The country of Afghanistan has struggled immensely with issues of oppression and worse, unequal rights for women. There have been serious reconsiderations on political issues that infest this country. As we know though, there is always a powerful woman to jump right into the turmoil and speak her mind to create positive social change. The person this time is a woman by the name of Awista Ayub. She was born in Kabul but her family escaped to the United States during the Soviet war. Ayub has a deep passion that lies within athletics adn she decided that she would use this as an outlet for many other Afghan girls. This was her way to give them an opportunity to be leaders and work as a team while creating change. Ayub says, "Athletics was a very positive experience throughout my entire life that really helped me to become the adult that I am today. I knew that children in Afghanistan needed the same vehicle to overcome their own obstacles after 30 years of war."
This is a great example of social change. This community has dealt with many years of violence and inequality and yet we have a dynamic woman who has stepped up to the aftermath and successfully reached out to young women. She has brought the sport of soccer to Afghan girls, who not too long ago could not even attend school. Ayub brought eigth Afghan girls with her to the United States in 2004 to the International Children's Games so they could represent their country. This plan has lead to young women learning how to get involved to create change. These girls are now playing a sport that is stereotypically male dominated and they come from a culture that allows them little freedom. If this is not change, then I do not know what is. They are doing something that their country would forbid just a few years ago! Ayub speaks about the recruiting process,"Two years ago when I was recruiting for the girls there were absolutely no girls' soccer teams to recruit from, and so we were recruiting girls based on their leadership potential. To be able to equip girls with just a ball and to have them go back as ambassadors for the athletics is the key to create social change." There is obviously so much diversity within social change. Not only is the world diverse, but we can see here that the ways people create change are all different. Can you imagine our world being changed through the different passions people have?
This woman has taken an everyday "male" sport and turned it into the first Afghan girl's soccer team that advocates social change and truly helps these girls find something to believe in for their futures, something they never had before and probably were not allowed to have. These girls are being able to have a mind of their own and little by little they do not have to be afraid to speak it. This sport revolution gained recognition in April when Ayub went back to Afghanistan to teach girls soccer in their homes. This social change success was recognized by ESPN's Espy Awards. Two girls received special recognition who are now on the Afghan national team. Ayub concludes this all by saying, "Afghanistan is at a breaking point where we're on a seesaw that can take the country in either direction. We have to be able to grab that country and move forward in a way that really helps improve the lives of children." Changing the world has become a revolution for women. Evetually young women all over the world will be interacting globally to create positive change and stop the suffering of so many. - Steph