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October 17, 2006


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  • Alicia
    Alicia is a student at Evergreen Valley College who will soon be transfering to SJSU. With a major to declare, her experiences with GFC have oppened doors and new ideas which motivate her to continue her education and consider business or community psychology as a major.
  • Alina
    Alina has been a writer since she was in first grade. She loves to volunteer at her mosque, and with Girls For A Change and Youth Philanthropy Worldwide.
  • Cherrelle
    Cherrelle, 19 years old, lives in Florida and is studying computer engineering. She likes to create artwork, write, and go jogging.
  • Lilly
    Lilly loves and lives in Northwest. She is a senior in high school. She is passionate about the power of the printed word.
  • Naiema
    Naiema is an active member of GFC and has been involved with girl activism since high school.
  • Patty
    Patty’s passion for social change has led her to Mexico and South America to work on gender, economic and environmental justice projects.
  • Stephanie
    Stephanie is an artist, musician, activist, and is a Sophmore in college majoring in astrophysics and art. She has been with Girls For A Change for five years serving on the Board and doing public speaking. "Soy el futuro"
  • Whitney
    Whitney is the Founder of GFC. Her mission in life is to make sure every girl knows how to make social change!
