Every year on March 8th political and business leaders, artists and social change makers come together and celebrate an international day. These leaders are not just anyone, they are women. March 8th is International Women’s Day. I know we’re a little late, but it’s never too late to celebrate being a woman. The theme this year was equal participation for women at the decision-making tables. This year women researched how often their voices are heard in courtrooms, boardroom and parliaments.
For women in business participation in high-level decision making still remains low even with advanced education that women receive today. Only 20 to 40 percent of women hold managerial jobs. More women work lower status jobs than men and fewer women own businesses than men. In developed countries, women make up less than one-third of total employers.
For women in academia participation in high level positions has increased, but resources that men are receiving are much more than what women receive. More women are graduating from universities with better results than men, yet they do not receive the same amount of funding for research like men do. Women are underrepresented in positions such as Chancellor.
Although these results seem negative, numbers seem to only increase for us women. International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate being a woman but to also speak out loud about issues we face and the results of where we are at in decision-making positions for this year. The more women we have every year that recognize issues of equality end up speaking loud and clear about them, especially the ones who are at the decision-making tables today. The more we all speak for our sisters, together we will change our world, even at an international level. - GFC