We wrote RESPECT: A Girl’s Guide to Getting Respect and Dealing When Your Line Is Crossed to support girls in becoming strong and confident forces in their own lives and the world. But our mission doesn’t stop there. That's why were so excited to help 1,000 girls get a free copy of Respect at the Girl Summit November 4!
When we were teens we struggled with lots of issues—negative body image or labels, doubts about our intelligence, seemingly "world-ending" mistakes, unhealthy relationships with guys and family members, and violence.
Once we were both in college, we found more support, guidance and sisterhood. We focused on our passions and accomplished our goals, such as becoming journalists. This helped us become more comfortable with our true selves, and made it easier to make choices that were right for us. And we finally discovered that what was missing in our teen years wasn’t just life experience—it was self-respect. We needed more of it, and the respect we did have, well, we needed to know how to hang on to it.
A few jobs out of college, we met as editors for ChickClick, a progressive media network for girls and women. And it was there that our joint mission began. Thousands of girls were talking on our network about dilemmas, drama, and traumas that they were dealing with every day. From not knowing how to let their true feelings be known to being pressured into stuff, harassed and abused. They were going through the same things we had, but even worse in some cases.
We were tired of girls and women being held back by disrespect, myths, and mixed messages. Like girls are told they can do anything but then they are pressured to package themselves as objects of desire. This is so false!
We wanted to pass on to girls what we had finally learned: That respect is connected to everything. No matter what girls are going through or need, respect is the remedy. So we set out to write a guide to life for girls centered on how to build self-respect, get and give respect in relationships, take action to deal with disrespect, and spread more respect for all people.
So that's how Respect was born! We’re so excited to have raised enough books to offer them to every girl attending the Girl Summit this fall! As coaches and volunteers for GFC, we know that it helps girls learn and live our 7 Respect Basics. GFC is event featured in the book our "Spreading Respect" chapter which gives girls tools to fight for their rights.
To check out excerpts from our book or to find out how to plan a RESPECT DAY for girls you can go to our Web site: www.respectgirls.com. While you’re there, don’t forget to tell us in My Say how you’re building respect in your world. - Courtney & Andrea
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i used to go on chickclick religiously (when it was online)!!! it was ingenious and there was never another site like it... there still isn't! i miss it a lot, are you women starting any other online project soon? a lot of young women out there would love to be a part of it (again!)!
Posted by: alina | November 17, 2005 at 05:13 PM