In Niger, malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea and other ills kill one in four children before the age of 5. Last fall, the situation for the Nigers worsened. The country's economic stability depends on its herders and farmers but last year, the anrticipated rains' arrival was replaced by the infestation of locusts-- the worst the nation has seen in 15 years. Here are some fast facts about Niger and its dire hunger crises:
- nearly 1/3 of its 11.3 million population is in crisis.
- 800,000 children under 5 are suffering from unger, with 150,000 who are malnourished.
- Niger is the 2nd poorest country in the world. 60% of its people live on under $1 a day.
- The cost of feeding one Niger per day: $1.21.
- The cost of medical health care for a Niger family for 1 month: $12.12.
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Click here to view a heartbreaking slideshow of the crisis (click "Niger Famine")
- Alina